Jockey Club Augmented Reality in Arts Education Project is funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and organised by Osage Art Foundation, in collaboration with four higher education institutions. The Education Project offers students and teachers in Hong Kong a unique interdisciplinary experience that integrates the four pillars of art, culture, technology, and history. Over 100 secondary students experienced the process of producing the AR art project through research, concept development, scenographic design, photogrammetry, and the realization of an exhibition. This public art exhibition at Tai Kwun is the outcome of Year 2 of this Education Project.
With the “JC AR Education Project 2023” app installed, you are invited to explore and interact with the 28 augmented reality (AR) 3D models created by the secondary school students and placed in different locations in Tai Kwun. You will be able to enter the virtual world and interact in the present with AR models drawn from the stories of past and future, compose and recreate your own new narratives.
「賽馬會AR藝術教育計劃」由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助,奧沙藝術基金主辦,並與四間大專院校合作。此教育計劃為中學生及教師提供融合藝術、文化、科技和歷史四大支柱的跨學科學習體驗。100多名中學生通過工作坊及講座,學習製作AR 公共藝術項目的過程,從學校周邊地區的文化和歷史研究、策展概念發展、場景設計、攝影測量拍攝,到最終的展覽實現。這次在大館舉辦的公共藝術展覽便是本計劃第二年的成果。
通過《JC AR Education Project 2023》應用程式,我們邀請您探索由中學生創建的28個擴增實境(AR) 立體模型,並與這些將分佈於大館各個空間的模型進行互動。您可以進入虛擬空間,與這些關於過去與未來的AR模型互動,撰寫並重新創造和敘述自己的新故事。
*Visitors are recommended to pre-installed the “JC AR Education Project 2023” app before the visit.
*建議參觀者在參觀前預先安裝《JC AR Education Project 2023》應用程式。
Participating Secondary Schools 參與中學
HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity 香港兆基創意書院
Man Kwan Pak Kau College 萬鈞伯裘書院
Methodist College 循道中學
Nam Wah Catholic Secondary School 天主教南華中學
Pui Tak Canossian College 嘉諾撒培德書院
St. Catharine’s School for Girls 聖傑靈女子中學
St. Paul’s Convent School 聖保祿學校
St. Peter’s Secondary School 聖伯多祿中學
Exhibition Period 展覽日期
29.07 – 28.08.2023
Opening Hours 開放時間
08:00 – 23:00 Daily
Venue 地點
Tai Kwun, 10 Hollywood Road, Central
Free docent tours 免費導賞團
Free docent tours will be offered each Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
登記 Register
Public Talk 公開講座
日期 & 時間 Date & Time
06.08.2023 15:00-18:00
地點 Venue
Tai Kwun JC Cube
Organized by 主辦機構
Osage Art Foundation 奧沙藝術基金
Funded by 捐助機構
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金
Collaborating Institutions 合作院校
Department of Architecture, University of Hong Kong 香港大學建築系
Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學視覺藝術學院
School of Theatre and Entertainment Arts, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 香港演藝學院舞臺及製作藝術學院
Department of Digital Media, Hong Kong Design Institute 香港知專設計學院數碼媒體學系
Exhibition Venue Supported by 展覽場地支持機構
Tai Kwun 大館
Adivsory Board 展覽場地支持機構
Masaki Fujihata – Artist and Academic, Tokyo
Leung Mee Ping – Emeritus Professor, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University
Thomas Tsang – Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong
Terence Wong – Head of Department, Department of Digital Media, Hong Kong Design Institute
Lam Wai Keung – Senior Lecturer, Department of Digital Media, Hong Kong Design Institute
Jackie Lo – Fast-Track Programme Coordinator of the School of Theatre and Entertainment Arts, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
Stephen Chu – Programme Director, Hong Kong Studies Programme, The University of Hong Kong
Sammy Li – Associate Professor, Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University
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