Opening: 29.9.2021 18:00 – 20:00
Exhibition period: 30.9 – 07.12.2021
Venue: Osage, 4F, 20 Hing Yip St, Kwun Tong
In the exhibition Dropped, Hong Kong based British artist Louis Nixon presents recent related and ongoing projects that explore through sculpture and film, how objects behave in gravity both in space and on earth, and how they drift, float and fall. Dropped brings together four related works that explore themes of gravity, space, motion and matter which have been consistent components of Nixon’s work for more than thirty years since his experience making a telescope as a sculpture student at the Slade in 1989.
As Ming Pao described,
“…這研究不止着眼歷史,背後亦帶批判和省思,Louis從不同紀錄片段看到人類對太空的漠視(disregard),形容這種行為像去野餐後把碗碟和包裝紙隨地亂丟,匪夷所思。「我研究的不是人類行為,並不知道當中的原因。上太空是否會改變太空人對這些事情的看法?」當然,他們不純粹在丟垃圾,有時是燃料考慮或為騰出空間,帶樣本回來;有時是意外,曾有太空人在月球上掉了地質槌,卻無法彎腰把它撿起。也有預先設計的實驗,例如太空人同時把羽毛與槌丟到地上,以進行自由落體實驗,印證伽利略的理論。但除此之外,其他測試重力的活動,看來都頗為隨意,像打高爾夫球或擲槌,前者是被偷偷藏起帶到月球上去;後者是太空人忽發奇想,把他們唯一的地質槌擲向遠方。在Louis眼中,他們的舉動雖非刻意破壞,但大多出於無聊,亦顯得漫不經心,欠缺自覺,沒有思考善後方法,例如放到箱中或往後再作回收。 他更慨嘆現在太空變成了旅遊地點,只是富人的遊樂場,對太空研究毫無助益。愈來愈多人提出應把金錢及資源用來解救地球危機,而不是用來滿足虛榮或尋找另一個宜居星球。即使是不能上太空的人類,包括藝術家,也製造過不少送上太空的物件。早在1969年,勞森伯格、安迪華荷等6個藝術家共同創作了瓷片Moon Museum,被視為首個太空藝術項目。Louis說自己無意創作放到太空的藝術品,但若人類要移居太空,他也想成為一員,因為那裏總得有藝術家,「我覺得自己不會是丟垃圾的那個人,會是關注環境、改變人們想法的人」…”(For full article, please check一把槌-一根羽毛-飄浮太空-他追尋太空垃圾-建檔案庫)
Finissage (07.12.2021 18:00 – 20:00, by invitation only):
After Blue Hour
Experience with all five senses the fleeting tranquility before the fall of night.
Liquid jade, leaves and water, time and substance: students from the HKBU Academy of Visual Arts re-imagine tea gatherings for the now and then.
Funded by
General Research Fund grant from the Hong Kong Research Council
Supported by
HKBU and Osage Art Foundation
Special thanks to
The Hong Kong Observatory and Tap Chan
Daily Guided Tours (Eng/Cant) Registration Link::
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